Still soft in areas so tread lightly when you see damp soil.
The area just before and just over the big bridge in the gully is very soft.
The most damp place is the far side of Tetanous Ridge on the new section cut in during November, please try to keep it down the middle and don't go much farther right. Need to keep the trail in one spot as much as possible.
Very warm today and some areas are actually dusty and need to be packed down.
Overall the trail is slow but will get better as the season drys it out and it packs down from all the freeze thaw cycles.
Horses have been in the main park area. If you see them politely remind them they are not allowed in the main park trails.
Paint ballers have vandalized the first new marker we put in. Shot the letters off the Trail Head marker
Jewell is ready!
I cleaned up the entire trail yesterday, so don't be afraid to put the hammer down. You know you'll need to. Heavy leaves are still making things tricky.
Rode Swanson Saturday...
Drying out nicely. Should be good until the next rain storm
Spoke too soon.
L&C was good yesterday, but now, not so good.
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